Tuesday, August 7, 2012

yogurt kisses.

yogurt kisses in the making.
A couple months ago, I saw a tweet that said something about a simple snack*.  The "simple" part caught my attention.  It was a blog post about how to make tiny, yogurt drops, or yogurt kisses.  All you have to do is put a baggie in a cup {see photo on left}, spoon the flavored yogurt into it, seal the baggie, clip a corner, squeeze drops onto a cookie sheet {see photo on right}, and pop them in the freezer for an hour.  I chose to put parchment paper on my cookie sheet, but it's not necessary.  They're super good, but they tend to melt fast, so eat 'em quick!  I had forgotten about doing this until I was talking to one of my cousins at a birthday party recently, and she was talking about making these for her little boy...Which reminded me to share this simple idea with everyone!  The baggie in the cup idea is brilliant for frosting, too. :) Enjoy!
my little helper!
he's changed so much since this pic...
may 2012.